...and so are most of the rest of you, apparently.
I mean last night I actually thought it was just me and a few others....most probably as a result of the "confrontation" I had with this individual just a week ago.
But it seems not......oh deary me! How utterly obnoxious....not to mention irritating.
Because now I'm going to have to stop posting any WIP (something I have considered recently) because one never knows who is lurking about ready to snatch the idea, throw some piece of crap together , call it "done" and start selling it on Etsy. Never mind calling it their "own made up idea" and offering a "certificate of authenticity" to boot!
It was the bogus "certificate" the recently set me off and prompted my message to this charming stalker who promptly informed me that I had cast a shadow over their day.....pity, that. Yes, of course, said she, does it really matter who had the idea first? We all often have the same ideas. She has a solid, satisfied and ever-growing customer base and will continue providing them with these miniatures at a much lower cost....
So not only does she make knock-offs; she makes cheap knock offs....... I can only surmise that she is trawling for new things to make as her own. Even more galling is the fact the she has a caveat on her website that all her "handmade" items are covered by copyright laws... (ok...now I'm gagging....)
I have discovered that the miniature world is rife with people who have no problem taking someone else's work, blatantly copying it and then selling it. I guess it is the selling it that really rags me. I do understand if someone thinks they can reproduce a piece either because they do not wish to (or cannot afford to) spend the money to purchase it from the artist.
Some even think they can do it better....well, Bravo! to them. As long as it is for their own private collection or to give to a friend, I have no real problem with them.
It is only when they start profitting (or attempting to profit) from another's work that I get ornery. WTF??? Don't they have an original idea in their head? There is so much to be inspired by.
I don't really make many magical miniatures so I guess I have little to be anxious about except for the fact that at any given moment, the tide could turn and another miniature genre will replace it. I have decided to keep my work under wraps until it is completed....not that it will make all that much difference....and to sell my work only at miniatures shows or privately. I will no longer be listing anything on Etsy.
Oy....it's always something!
ADDENDUM: Let me clarify that while I am being "followed" by a known plageriser, I have yet to experience the heartbreak of finding copies of my work for sale by someone else. This has been the sad experience of several of my dear friends however and since the individual in question has been bold enough to add her name to my "followers" list, I felt the need to speak out and to take steps to protect my work. That is all.....
It is amazing
5 years ago
I know how you feel believe me! I have had commercial companies do it to me and mass produce cheap versions of my work. I almost fell over dead when I got a catalog in the mail and it had a copy of my design in it.
My email address is under my profile on my blog. I would like to see a picture of the bad copy of your work next to your original. I am not asking for names or a link to that persons ETSY shop. Just a couple of photos.
I am so sorry! I heard from another blogger friend not long ago that was seemed rather unhappy about the same thing.
We have another blogger friend that actually was so outraged she post the name of the person on her blog and posted photos proving it.
If it happens to me in blogland... I will show no mercy this time. I will post photos and name the thief.
Sadly this has become such a common practice, the internet has made it much more possible.
I am so sorry.
Yeah...bummer, isn't it?
So sorry this is happening :( I see this one person is effecting several! Hopefully something will shake her into realizing what she is doing is wrong!
Even if you can't stop her.... keep your head up and know that your stuff has quality that will stand up against hers anyday.
...And then the rest of us loose out from enjoying your artistry. Shame on her. So sorry Tabitha.
I have to agree with Cheryl. I underestand you completely but I have to write that I am so sorry to hear you're closing your Etsy! For me the possibility of buying cool minies there, is the only one as there are no shops,artists or shows that sell minies in my country :(
I think its a crying shame you feel that YOU have to close your etsy shop Susan and its always so enjoyable to show your work in progress but I can understand your reluctance if someone is watching your blog just to be able to pinch ideas from it instead of coming up with their own. I have been googling to see if there is any way of blocking followers you would rather not follow you but apparantly not, only on wordpress, but if anyone knows it would be greaty appreciated advice I think. Love and Hugs and cant wait to see your projects when complete then! Kate xxx
I am sorry to hear that you have been forced into taking these steps. I think they should be named and shamed, it might stop them doing it again.
Perhaps I am over-reacting but I can see no other reason for a known "copier" to be sniffing around....other than to see what others are doing, what looks popular and what can be used; that makes me a little anxious.
But I'll say no more about it unless something happens. To all my other followers: Forewarned is forearmed!
You know Susan its possible to sign up to certain sites that will let you know where your traffic is coming form, what they look at, how long they look at it and how many visits to that particular post etc. You can even tell where they came from, say for instance a search site or another site, blog etc. It provides the person that is on your sites/blogs full i.p address etc. The info is also stored and has an archive.
I'll get in touch with the American lady that told me about it. I cant remember the web address so need a reminder.
But you must not let thsese types of things upset you so much and instead learn to shut them off. There really is no other choice and i would also advise this to other artists out there. Because...
Copying in any form is not nice but it will and has always happened, else there would not be coyright laws in place.
I dont know my own full rights and how i could ever go about reporting somebody for copying and the procedures involved. I could look into and find out fully but i dont because its pulling on valuable making time and being creative. Its also draining and tiring and as long as i keep moving and changing what i make i'll always be infront.
I would also not stop showing your work in progress because then copiers win and you loose out. Showing wip's keeps people informed and interestd in your ideas and work and can only benefit you in the end.
People/buyers are not daft and chooses to buy and shop as they like and to their budget. If they are into a particular genre they know their market and who sells what, they also see the difference in quality and how pricing effects this. Most will prefer to save and cherish more high end miniatures, than to buy an inferior. If they buy copies they generally tend to know its so and choose to ignore.
None of this is right i know but getting upset and spending time over this subject will affect you more than you think and slow down your creative time making and so making the copier win.
Keep going, keep showing and you will always win in the end... thats a promise!
Nikki xxx
I say carry on regardless Susan, no matter how hard that may be. I don't want you to see you stop creating your mini's. Please don't be put off or give in to a copier, it just isn't worth getting upset or annoyed over. :o))
It's entirely up to a buyer, what they want to buy, how much they are able to pay 'and' just as importantly what they are willing to pay. No one can dictate that choice. It all boils down to what a collector is looking for and what is morally right (choosing not to buy a copy if they are aware it is).
I wish you the best and to carry on! :o))
Michelle xxx
Yes, Nikki...you are so right on so many levels and I do agree with you. However, if no one ever speaks out about the plageriser, then they win also. So I have spoken...for what it is worth. Doubt it will stop her.
As for myself, I am still uncertain as to what I will do. Except that I won't stop making what I like....and I will continue to share it on my blog. Etsy is another story as I am not convinced it is a good venue for me personally and, of course, it is a good way for copiers to get good pictures of someone's work and see what it is selling for.
So enough said about that....for now.
Sooo sorry this is happening to you Susan...it seems to be happening to many of late... This sort of thing rears it's ungly head every so often ...I myself have had several encounters with this sorta thing over our many years in the doll biz.... little 'gnats' that fly about and no matter how much you swat...they still end up in your face (or in this case...behind your back) pestering pertering away...gleeing all of your hard work and ideas...chaps my hide in about 10 different spots!! I would suggest that artists being copied 'ban together' behind closed doors and work on a plan to actually catch this culprit in the act of stealing ...get some good proof and then you have all the ammo you need to retaliate...I know several who have...as you stated...many people (artists) come up with close to the same ideas....from time to time, but out and out copying cannot be tolorated in the art world. Our main attack is to trust in the savvy eye of our collectors to know good art from bad...this will in the end be the demise of the copy cat...because 10 out of 10 times their copy is poor and the quality never improves... for they have to work fast and without care to stay one step ahead of the ones they are copying.... sad really...
Hang in there and keep heading forward with your quality work ...because in truth...few can catch the true artist!!!
I want to make it perfectly that clear that while I (and many others) are being "stalked" by this individual, I have yet to experience the gut-wrenching heartbreak of being copied. No, it is my friends who have suffered this injustice and because I absolutely do not trust the person in question, I felt the need to speak out...and to take steps to protect my work.
Oops sorry...I thought it was you as well being copied... good for you to stick up for friends....
That's terrible. Is the same stalker I discussed on my blog? Anyway, I wish you wouldn't leave Etsy. It's such wonderful way to connect with other miniature artists and collectors. If you stuff isn't online ever again, most of us will never see and enjoy it!!! Don't give up because of one bad apple. With a squishy worm in it.
Please read post i have left on Nikki's blog, i hope this goes some way to explain my actions.
Well, I'm glad that's all sorted out.....
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